Monday, February 27, 2012

Reformission On My Mind

Okay I know that it seems like I should have already posted another blog about my experiences here (okay, a first blog about my experiences here), but that’s just not what is on my mind right now. So, I promise I will do that soon (definitely sticking to a completely relative term there on purpose), but for now you can read about what’s on my mind or check back later for more details on basketball, the weather and such :).
One of the things I have been doing while in Perth so far is reading “The Radical Reformission” by Mark Driscoll. I know that mentioning that name can evoke very different emotions for different people so I will say this- I cannot completely endorse the man. I don’t feel that I have read enough of his stuff, heard enough of his sermons, or known exactly what has stirred all the controversy, to make a final judgment on the dude. Am I supposed to be making a judgment on him anyway? As I have read this book, I will be honest, I have cringed a few times at the way he has chosen to describe a few things- perhaps in an effort to seem real to all people, perhaps in efforts for humor, I’m not sure exactly. But I also know that more often when reading this book I have been pierced to the core- humbled, convicted, motivated, inspired, and even overwhelmed at the sort of love that God has given to me, to all of us. I think that his experiences and perspectives are completely worth reading and mulling over.

One particular passage that literally brought tears to my eyes and brought that sick twisting into my stomach was reading through his explanation of the story of Jonah. Driscoll points out that Jonah was unwilling to love people who God loved and that Jonah cared more about a plant and his own comfort than he did about a group of people who were going to be destroyed. He talked about how it is the Jewish custom to read the book of Jonah on the Day of Atonement. Apparently, at the end of the reading, the Jews reply, “We are Jonah.” That alone stopped me for a few seconds as the statement and the mental picture mentally and emotionally knocked the wind out of me. I imagine a group of devout Jews, God's chosen people, making such an admission and it humbles me severely. Driscoll remarks, “This truth is essential for rightly relating to Jonah. We are Jonah when, because we do not like them, we run from God’s call on our lives to bring the gospel to lost people, who he loves.”

This really made me think. Our God is so stunningly complex. His standard of holiness is unobtainable, the very word holy carrying the meaning of perfection, unblemished, completely set apart from sin. He has held this standard over all of us. Yet at the same time, when we have failed to reach that standard, even in the most gruesome, despicable, unbelievable ways, He has not failed to love and pursue us. Why then, why, do I fail to love and pursue the people who I think are failing to meet His standard? Why do I fail to love and pursue the people who are failing to meet my standard?

Driscoll goes on to point out the severe difference between worldliness and culture. He explains how we have often written people off as worldly because they operate in a different culture than we do- and culture is not bound simply by what continent you live on. There are sub cultures upon sub cultures that we completely disregard. The inner city kid has grown up in a completely different culture than the one from suburbia- and even those are pretty general terms. Do we try to understand the experiences, thoughts, expressions, etc that have shaped people or do we write them off because they do not fit into our version of Christian living?

Another thing that I have greatly appreciated about Driscoll is his emphasis that understanding a person’s culture, and trying to be relevant is never ever an excuse to sacrifice biblical truth. It is never a compromise on what is clearly laid out in scripture- it is rather a call to actually be discerning over what the Bible really says and to examine our own prejudices, our own compromises, and to be completely firm and solid and unashamed of the absolutes that we are given. It is not that the standard of holiness no longer matters, it is that the failure to reach the standard should never cause us to write people off but to engage them in a way that they will understand so that they can see the standard and love and trust the only One who can meet it for them- just as He had to meet it for us.

The book is thought provoking- what is the nature of church? What is my responsibility to my neighbors? What does it mean to be missional in my life right now? How do I avoid compromise and at the same time cast away any legalism I have built up?

How would Jesus really respond to the people around me?

Will I allow my discomfort, my laziness, my annoyances, my fears to guide me? How can I walk by the Spirit instead?

I want to be comfortable. That is honest. But I want to see God’s hand more. I am praying that He will push me and help me to love and pursue like He does. And honestly, that is a scary prayer because more often I am the Elijah who sat on a hill and cried out of fear rather than the one who called down fire from heaven, more like Jonah crying over a plant than Jesus sitting and chatting with the town prostitute.

So all that to say, I highly recommend the book. I would love to hear your (yeah you) thoughts on it, good and bad. And I’d love to hear how others are living as missionaries right where they are. God's heart is for the world, but we must see that the world is not an abstract people group thousands of miles away from me; the world is the guy at work, the family next door, maybe even that person in the other room.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Perth Cast of Characters

It is hard to believe that I have already been in Perth for five days. It has flown by and been an absolute pleasure so far. I’m still adjusting to the major time difference (15 hours) but I am feeling better and better. Last night I went to bed about 9:30 pm and I woke up this morning at 6:30 am…So yeah, pretty much my usual sleeping pattern ;) Ha!

Well I thought I’d take a little time today and give you a cast of characters, so that as I tell you stories of what’s going on here you can have an idea of who is who.

First off is Andy Stewart who is the Director of Coaches at Lakeside and the man who I had first heard from after emailing their club. He was the one I had gone back and forth with through e-mails and who called me that Monday morning to tell me I should pack up and head to Perth. I had been warned ahead of time that Andy has quite a sense of humor, but I am still “figuring him out” which I have also been assured I’ll never be able to do. Reason being is Andy has about the driest sense of humor of anyone I have ever met. His tone never changes, so you’re not sure when he’s joking and when he’s being serious, which is actually pretty fun . He has an obvious passion for the game of basketball and he coaches not only with the men of the Lakeside Lightning, but with the Perth Wildcats, the pro team here. Today he came into the gym and gave me some things I can work on. He also has a real care for people and I am excited to get to know him and his family better and feel free to joke with him the way I see others doing.

David Preston is the chaplain for the men’s team at Lakeside and a pastor at Lakeside Baptist (they’re the same place really, the Church runs the rec league and it all takes place in one building, so I tend to use those two names interchangeably). He is the man who called me the Friday before I had been offered the spot to talk to me about my faith and what not. He is incredibly kind and warm and checks on me regularly- making sure that I am feeling comfortable, making sure that my parents are doing alright without me, and filling me in on who people are. The other day he came up to me to greet me and ask me how I’ve been doing so far and after assuring him that I was doing very well and enjoying everyone he said “so you feel loved then?” I smiled and nodded. He said “good!” He is so genuine and also, has a huge heart for people.

The Van Schies are the family that I am currently staying with. Jess Van Schie is the assistant coach for the team and a former player. She is taking the season off this year from playing because she is due to have a baby in July (we’re all hoping for a girl)! Jess is really great. She has a great sense of humor and sarcasm which of course makes me feel right at home, and she likes to dish it back to Andy which is fun to watch. She is a great mom to her little boy Riley who is nearly three and a crack up. She just takes everything in stride. In addition, she calls me "doll" and "love" and who couldn't like that?
*Side note* I am noticing that pet names are big in Australia and I am loving it!
Jason Van Schie is Jess’s husband and also fantastic. He told me pretty quickly that he has always been a Phoenix Suns fan because he used to love Kevin Johnson, so of course I liked him automatically ;). He even showed me this binder full of old Suns cards as well as a game he downloaded from back in the day of the Suns and Sonics playing- with players like KJ, Kidd, and Rex Chapman on the floor! Jason is really kind and he is the sort of person who asks questions and takes an interest in other people. He is so patient with Riley (their little boy) and just a good guy.

Riley is a crack up and a half. He is full of energy and silliness and somehow, though he had been told my name is Jess, has taken to calling me Jessica. He now likes to say my name all of the time. Riley has curly blonde hair and long skinny arms and legs. He wears glasses to help with a drifting eye and has the cutest little grin which he always pulls out when begging for something with a “Paah weeeese?” He's always on the move and he just says the funniest stuff. Today he jumped at me and said "BOO!" So I started doing it back to him, but it wasn't like we were creeping out from behind anything, we just took turns jumping at each other and saying boo. He was getting a kick out of it, so of course I was too.

Laurie (I am sorry if I am spelling that wrong) is the occupational therapist I have been going to, some call him a physio. He is highly energetic and he calls everyone darling and what not and hugs you hello and good bye and just loves to chat. A few of the Lakeside guys have been referring to him as the "witch doctor" because he just does all kinds of stretching and manipulation that really hurts but helps and he loads you up on supplements and weird elixors and these things called “footsies” which are patches you put on the bottom of your feet at night which supposedly pull the toxins out of your body. Not sure what my verdict is on them yet...but anyway,

I have met the two American guys from the men’s team. Luke is pretty quiet, he is an only child, and I've heard, an awesome ball player. I think he was MVP of the league last year or at least on the all-star team. He is very unassuming, not all that tall for a ball player, and just quietly goes about his day. He is very kind and, as I found out yesterday at the beach, is also a daredevil (he was doing flips off the pier into the water)... I think he’s from South Carolina.

The other dude is Ben, a farmer from Iowa. He has had the task of giving me rides a few times (I don’t have a car yet) so I’ve talked to him a bit more than Luke so far. He is pretty funny, but not always because he’s trying to be. The good thing is that when I laugh at him he laughs too. Ben thought it was so crazy that I went to The Master’s College because one of the big things that impacted him to make a decision to follow Christ was listening to John MacArthur preach and he had considered going to The Master’s Seminary. Another semi-coincidence is that he was also looking to go play in Luxembourg but ended up back in Australia (Ben and Luke have both already played several seasons here). Last crazy connection is Ben and Luke both know several people that I know. Small world! Anyway, Ben’s dream is to somehow have a ministry that incorporates a farm, cows, and basketball. If that’s not heaven, I don’t know what is ;) ha ha!

I am sure there will be more characters to add to this list, especially teammates. We have had two practices so far, the third one is tonight, but I am still not practicing. I am just shooting around this week. I have gotten to chat a small bit with a couple of the girls who are also coming back from injuries, but haven’t had a ton of interaction so far. Regardless, the girls have been very friendly and I am looking forward to getting to know them better.

So far everyone I have encountered has been very warm and welcoming. I have met so many people at church already and everyone seems excited to see me and I have already been told several times “you will have to come over for a barbecue!”

I am very blessed by the kindness I have received so far and I thank God for it! It is the people that make our experiences and so far this one has been wonderful!

Friday, February 10, 2012

From Berlin to My Parents' to...Perth!?

So here I sit in the San Francisco airport whittling away time on a 7 hour layover before heading to Sydney, Australia where I will then get on another plane to Perth. How in the world did this come about? How did I get from Berlin to my parents’ couch to here?

I have to admit, I was in a world of ups and downs the last few months. I don’t think that’s a real secret so I won’t try to deny it now. I mean, I did already blog a 2 part essay entitled “What the Heck is Going On?”…I don’t think that would ever lead anyone to think I was trooping through life like the Apostle Paul saying I’m content with anything including chains. I was not content. I was not content to be living with my parents (by no means because of them, they are the greatest saints in this story, it was my own sense of pride that doesn’t want to be that 28 year old with no direction, laying in her pajamas on her parents’ couch at 3 in the afternoon watching re-runs and eating endless bowls of Captain Crunch…Okay the Captain Crunch may sound appealing but…)…I lost my train of though. Oh yes, I was not content feeling like I had failed in Germany, like I was an idiot for not wearing ankle braces, like I had no idea what God was doing or wanted me to do…I had moments of contentment. I had those bright spots of faith and trust when I felt that God really must be doing something but I just needed to be patient…and then I had those impatient moments. My parents, maybe to be renamed St. Thomas and Mother Jeanine (I’m sorry, does that even make sense) listened to me time and again and always encouraged me and lifted me up.

So…as I was going through that time I was trying to figure out what to do next. Ryan Zamroz had told me before I ever left for Berlin that if things did not work out for me in Europe, then I should look into the Australian leagues which don’t start till March. (*Complete random side comment…So I found this little work space thing to sit in, which is incredibly uncomfortable, but have crammed myself into it and unpacked a load of my stuff because it has an outlet---just now looked and realized that it’s not even doing anything, so I’m still wearing out my battery…sweet…)

So anyway. I used some of the loads of free time I had outside of doing physical therapy and working out to create a short highlight video and send out emails to this mondo list of teams in Australia. Ryan had sent me links to various leagues over there and advised me to just send out as many emails as I could as soon as I could. So that happened right at the start of January. One of the teams I had emailed is called the Lakeside Lightning. I had noticed when looking on their webpage that their team was owned by a church, and the thought crossed my mind “wouldn’t it be cool if I could play there and help at the church?” But that kinda ended there as I went on to emailing the next group of teams…

A week later that thought returned when I got an email from the Lightning’s director of coaches, asking me how I had gotten interest in their club and if I would want to start communicating. Uh yes please! From there I began a short series of emails with Andy (director guy’s name), hearing from him usually several days after I’d emailed him (guessing the 15 hour time difference has something to do with that, as well as the fact that they were also already talking to another player)…So I didn’t really know how this communication was going. I couldn’t get a clear idea of the level of interest that they had but I did have some hope about the situation. I was intrigued by what I was finding out about this club. They are owned by Lakeside Baptist Church in Perth, Australia- one of maybe three churches in the world to own a pro sports team. The church owns and operates out of a rec center that serves some 6000 people a week from the community. The team motto is “where it’s more than a game” and the logo features a cross with a basketball…Uh, what? For reals? God? Is that You? Yeah. I think so. Okay anyway. So right around the end of January Andy said he wanted me to speak with the team chaplain and we set up a time to talk via telefono (that's telephone for all you unilingual speakers). Pastor David called me on a Friday evening and we spoke for a bit, him asking me about my relationship with Jesus, church, degree, life aspirations, and more. Again, I enjoyed the conversation but couldn’t really get a read on how serious these people were about me. Pastor David wrapped up the conversation letting me know that he was not the one to choose the new player but was to report back about our conversation. He encouraged me that God would use me anywhere He led me and to keep praying about whether or not that would be with Lakeside. He assured me they were doing the same on their end. He said he did not know what the next step was or what I should expect. With that, all I did expect was to get an email back from Andy with some sort of commentary on what he’d heard about our conversation and what that next step should be. I was thinking another phone call, whether with Andy himself or the coach or something…

Well it turned out the next step was a phone call after all- but not at all what I had mentally prepared for. Monday morning about 7am the phone rang. Seeing as how I’d been hanging out with a friend till 2 am the previous morning I was not up and about…Okay that makes it sound like otherwise I would have been up and about. Anyway, someone left a message on the answering machine-- from my half conscious state I assumed it was someone calling for my mom to sub and I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. A few minutes later Mother Jeanine (is it coming across that this is a play on Mother Theresa? I hope so) came into my room and got me up, letting me know that someone from Australia had called and said he’d call back again in 20 minutes. I got up out of bed and started walking around the house, trying to wake myself up for the upcoming conversation. When you’re talking to someone who may hire you, you want it to seem like you woke up at 5am, ran a half marathon, ate a full breakfast, had some quiet time, and strategized for your day already culminating in a bulletpoint outline that will undoubtedly get accomplished by 5 pm…I am not sure if that’s what came across, but 20 min later the phone rang, I answered, and Andy was on the other end saying something I most definitely did not expect:

“Well, are you packed?”

I just laughed. What?! This is it? My mind started talking to itself- this is it, you are going, they want you, you’re going to Australia! Of course none of that was being absorbed but I kept trying anyway, meanwhile I spoke back “Uh, should I be?” (duh)…

“Yeah, I think you should!”

Me…”well when should I be packed for?”

“When can you come?”

Me…"ha …uh…I can really come any time”

We’d like you here in 7-10 days….

Me…”ok!” Inside (huh? Whoa, what? Cool, yikes, I’m hungry, Where is Perth again? Etc etc etc)

So anyway, that is the gist of how it came about. Andy informed me that I will have a blast in Perth and that he had called me rather than emailed me so that he could hear my reaction. I hope that I communicated it well that I was really excited but I think I was more a little stunned at the time. The job includes playing basketball and using basketball to share my love of Jesus with other people- and get paid for it. Saweeeeeeeeet!

So one would think I entered into a frenzy in trying to get ready to leave the country in 10 days. Uh…it was something like that (Hey, give me a little credit, I did manage to throw a bridal shower for my best friend Gracie poo Tappe that very next Saturday- of course with great help from Mother Jeanine, and miss Tappe’s family and twinner Amber). There are a few things that may not have gotten accomplished…The key thing is that I am now another step closer to getting to Perth. I made it to San Francisco. I could definitely write a whole extra page on the last few hours, but I will spare you. For now.

The biggest thing to take away from this is that God is always at work and man has He delivered big time here. I kept praying that I would trust Him and honor Him whether He gave me a place to play or not. I am humbled that He chose to give me a place to play. Now I am praying that He will get and keep me healthy and that most of all, I will honor Him through this next experience!

My team/church has a web page, as my German coach would say “Google it up!” Lakeside Lightning. :)