Saturday, November 3, 2007

Creepy Roads, Great Thoughts

Well first off, let me just apologize to my audience, my following, my groupies who read my blog. Yes, Amanda and Megan, I'm sorry that I have not been a faithful blogger. Well I guess "faithful" is all relative. Where do you draw the line between faithful and unfaithful? Are we creating a blogging law in our hearts? I thought I'd get on real quick and partially redeem myself, though I don't know if what I'm about to type will really redeem anything but anyway (Megan, are you "dinging" me already in this long intro?)...
So I was driving home tonight from my sister's house and it was really dark due to the lack of street lights in that long stretch of road, and so I'll be honest, from the time I got to my car I was a little creeped out and my vivid imagination started going through all the ways I could possibly end up being captured or tortured or captured and tortured by all the unseen freaky people in the darkness...(because everyone knows that creepy freaky people love to hang out on the side of dark empty's like how nerdy people love to play computer games)...So I decided it'd be a pretty good time to turn up the music in the car and start thinking about something else. Right away the songs that came on were speaking to the conversation that Megan and I had JUST had. We talked about how we just can question our beliefs, or feel that God is not so personal as He really is, or seehow we're just so stinking dependent on Him but we're in denial about it and yet also partially upset about it...So anyway, in response to all this, the lyrics to the song starts off, "Our God is the God of gods, Our Lord is the Lord of Kings" and goes on to say, "His sovereign rule will last forever
His kingdom won't decline or fall
He does as He pleases both in Heaven and Earth
Who am I that I should question Him at all?
He lifts up kings and brings them low again
He shows us what is right from wrong
God of all time we give You thanks and praise
For You have made us wise and You have made us strong
Everything He does is right and all His ways are just..."
Holy cow did I need to hear that right then. It was like Aaron Shust had climbed into my head and listened to my thoughts and then written the exact words I needed to be reminded of. Maybe he did...he's kinda a small guy...creepy...I wonder if he was on the side of the road..(okay, sorry Aaron that I would accuse you of being a side of the road guy). Anyway, the point was that then the next song was talking about how we just need God to hold onto us and how we want to hear His voice, again what I was just saying to Meg....I had this realization how Aaron Shust was such a blessing to me right then. I was thinking about how perhaps God had purposed for me to put that particular cd in at that particular time and had that particular song come on at just the right moment...The songs I was listening to are the songs on the cd I usually skip over...sorry Aaron, it's just that I was so enamored with these two other songs that I kept wanting to just listen to them! But this time I didn't skip and God really blessed me, which only fed my faith...
So again, I was thinking how God had used those songs, and had used Aaron Shust's talent to glorify Himself because that talent led me to think more highly of God. I realized that many times I've wondered about how people decide to stay here in the states and travel around and put on shows and sell cds and how "spiritual" that is when people are dying for lack of food physically and dying spiritually for lack of hearing and believing...but this just kicked my dumb, unbiblical thoughts (f0r are we not a body with different gifts and services?) in the gut and shoved my face into reality that God uses people in so many different ways to bring about His honor...So anyway. I saw that the Christian music industry really can be a huge ministry (I know I know, so stupid that sometimes I start questioning that. I am sorry I'm retarded!) and I saw that God really is sovereign over the details of life, and who knows, perhaps He let me get all creeped out in the dark just so that I would turn up the volume...Care to comment? (Amanda, that was for you)...