Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Don't Miss the Bus!

So yesteray began as most of my days do...I woke up when I was done sleeping (sounds nice, doesn't it?) and looked out the window...sunshine, Yes! (This morning I looked out the window and there was a silvery haze, but don't worry it burned off)...

I turned on Cosi's computer, went downstairs for my customary coffee and Müsli, and came back to check facebook, email etc...Worked a bit on German, etc. This has been the daily routine...

In the afternoon it was time to go to the Spandau gym to coach the youth team. Cosi and I left, hopeful that this time around more than 1 kid would show up (though we had a lot of fun with him last time ha ha)...

Got to the gym and our one had turned to steps...All three are very raw, a 7 year old girl who is just learning the game for the first time (the sister of Denis, who I had mentioned before- I met him at Crossover camp in 2008), the 10 yr old boy who had been there last week, and a 14 year old boy who is going to play for Cosi's dad and has little experience and is looking to catch up...

We had our hour and a half practice (the usual length here it seems) and it went well. I think that the 14 year old in particular is eager to learn. Cosi remains confident that more and more kids will show up. I am optimistic as well...

So after all the kids left the gym, Cosi and I headed to the bus station...As we walked up to the intersection where we need to cross to get to our stop, we saw our bus pull up across the street...of course there were cars coming so we could not run across...we missed the bus...

At first this seemed a minor problem. We can just wait for the next bus...We looked at the bus schedule upon crossing the street (it is posted at the stop)...the next bus would not come for 20 min...we decided to walk a few stops ahead rather than stand there...

We made it to another station in about 10 min...a bus started coming our way, but the sign on the front of the bus read `bus endet hier' = bus ends here...this was the end of the line for the bus...we laughed, okay we will wait for the next one...a few minutes later one came...again, 'bus ended hier' we laughed again, this is crazy!!

Two more buses drove by us with that was becoming less funny. A guy on the corner next to us suddenly ran across the street- a bus had pulled up on the other the time we realized it, it was too late. Thanks dude for the heads up...sheesh...

I said to Cosi, 'hey, maybe we should check the sign and see if any more buses will even come to this stop today.' She checked it out, sure enough, it said that there would not be another bus...We crossed the street to the other bus stop...waited, waited waited...Finally we decided, let's walk again...We started down the street to go to the next station...within thirty seconds of us walking a bus pulled up to the station across the street we had first been staning at--where the schedule said there would not be another bus for the day...again, we missed the bus...

We walked on, laughing at our situation, saying that the 'bus gods' must be having a joke at our expense...We made it to the next station and waited...a bus came and actually stopped! We jumped on in victory!

Took the bus to the train station (a very short ride at this point bc we had walked so far)...Got off and went to our up the stairs and saw the schedule for the train- we were on the wrong track...went back downstairs and checked the main schedule again...our train would not be there for at least another 20 min...

We went to a bakery in the train station and got some rolls to eat while we waited...My favorite German phrase kept popping in my head 'ich habe hunger' = I am hungry...

We waited for our train, which of course, came almost ten minutes late...Boarded...road it to Falkensee then started the 15 minute walk home...By the time we got home over two hours had passed since the end of usually takes about 30 min...We said to ourselves, next time DO NOT MISS THE BUS!

We were tired and so glad to finally be home and eating dinner--carrot soup!!

Möhre= carrot
Müde= tired

Ha ha, this was not a joke on me (though of course we made jokes about it), and it was a very delicious way to end our misadventure...

1 comment:

Megan O. said...

I am so, so glad you are writing all your experiences down! Maybe you will have a book written about you like Bonhoeffer (minus the martyrdom of course!) and your blog will provide so many details. :) I love reading about what's going on so I can feel like I've been there. Love you!